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Mary B. Taylor, M.D.
Mary B. Taylor, M.D.

A Message from the Chair

Research, Care, Educational Excellence part of Children’s of Mississippi’s mission

For routine health care or advice during a crisis, Children’s of Mississippi is there today for the children and families of this state, but we’re also helping shape the future of pediatric care.

Research and education are also woven into the mission of Children’s of Mississippi. Our doctors not only provide care but conduct research that will improve care tomorrow and train the next generation of pediatric specialists and subspecialists.

In this issue of Pediatric Update, we’re sharing information on pediatric and neonatal research at Children’s of Mississippi, Pediatric Awards Day winners and Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency Spero Award honorees.

At the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s of Mississippi, Dr. Anderson Collier, director of the center and the Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, has been named the D. Jeanette Pullen Chair of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. This news comes as the center plans for renovations.

On June 7, we reached the pinnacle of the Campaign for Children’s of Mississippi, the philanthropic drive to help fund the Kathy and Joe Sanderson Tower. A $2.5 million gift from the Gertrude C. Ford Foundation put the campaign total at $101.5 million, $1.5 million over its goal.

Summer may be a time for vacations and breaks, but at Children’s of Mississippi, we’re welcoming residents and fellows this summer and are excited to be training the next generation of pediatricians.

As always, we’re thankful to have you all as partners in pediatrics, working together toward the goal of improving children’s health.


Mary B. Taylor, M.D., M.S.C.I.

Professor of Pediatrics

Suzan B. Thames Chair, Department of Pediatrics